We are fascinated by and working on ...
- Universal matter-wave interferometry & the foundations of physics
- Towards metal cluster interferometry:
a new material class in quantum physics to probe the interface to the classical world. - From Polypeptide towards Protein interferometry:
a new material class to study complexity & dynamics of biomolecules in quantum physics.
- Towards metal cluster interferometry:
- Cooling and quantum optomechanics
- Optical cooling of non-spherical nanoparticles to explore their rotational quantum states.
- Trapping & cooling of nanobiological matter to harvest their internal complexity.
- Enabling technologies for quantum experiments
- Sources of metal clusters, dielectric and biological nanomaterials: for matter-wave interferometry.
- Single-photon charge control and coherent beam splitting of proteins & metal clusters.
- Interfeormeter concepts for complex nanomatter.
- Quantum sensors
- Matter-wave deflectometers with high better than yocto-Newton force sensitivity:
... to measure electro-magnetic, optical & dynamical properties of molecules of interst to biology and chemistry. - Trapped nanorotors:
... to realize highly sensitive torque & rotations sensors on the micron scale. - Superconducting nanowire detectors:
... for mass spectrometry and molecule analysis, harvesting the sensitivity of quantum phase transitions.
- Matter-wave deflectometers with high better than yocto-Newton force sensitivity:
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